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written contract in Chinese

How to pronounce "written contract""written contract" in a sentence

Translationmobile phoneMobile

  • 成文合同
  • 书面合同
  • 书面契约
  • 正式合同


  • Herewith we are sending you a written contract under seal in two copies .
  • If he agrees, make him sign a written contract at once that spells out the terms .
  • Obtain a written contract / agreement for the site
  • I can ' t believe you didn ' t have a written contract
  • As for the form of guaranty contract , only written contract is acceptable
  • Shall the employer make a written contract of employment with the domestic helper
  • Fulfil his legal obligations to give a copy of the written contract to an employee ; and
  • Jv client means any client that entered into a written contract with the jv during the term of this contract
    6 . 2除本合同规定的其他义务,乙方有以下责任:
  • Incoterms were designed to be used within the context of a written contract for the sale of goods
  • Should the auctioneer accept a trust , he or she shall sign a written contract on trust auction with the trustee
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5

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What is the meaning of written contract in Chinese and how to say written contract in Chinese? written contract Chinese meaning, written contract的中文written contract的中文written contract的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.