wood screw in Chinese
- 木螺丝。
- "wood" in Chinese : wood2 adj. 〔古语〕 1.失去理智 ...
- "screw" in Chinese : n. 1.螺旋;螺钉。 2.螺旋桨;暗轮。 3.暗轮轮船 ...
- "screw-wood" in Chinese : 木箱螺钉
- "automatic wood screw machine" in Chinese : 木螺钉自动机
- "brass wood screw" in Chinese : 黄铜木螺钉; 黄铜木螺丝
- "cup head wood screw" in Chinese : 半圆头木螺钉; 圆头木螺丝
- "half-round wood screw" in Chinese : 半圆头木螺丝
- "iron wood screw" in Chinese : 铁制木螺钉
- "lag wood screw" in Chinese : 木螺钉
- "machine-wood dowel screw" in Chinese : 机木双头螺丝
- "mild steel wood screw" in Chinese : 铁木螺丝
- "round head wood screw" in Chinese : 圆头木螺钉
- "round wood screw" in Chinese : 圆头木螺钉
- "roundheaded wood screw" in Chinese : 圆头木螺丝
- "sunk wood screw" in Chinese : 埋头木螺丝
- Cross recessed countersunk head wood screws . symbol fz
十字槽沉头木螺钉.符号fz - Slotted raised countersunk head wood screws . symbol fbs
有槽凸起沉头木螺钉.符号fbs - Cross recessed round head wood screws . symbol rz
十字槽圆头木螺钉.符号rz - Slotted countersunk head wood screws . symbol fs
有槽沉头木螺钉.符号fs - Cross recessed raised countersunk head wood screws
十字槽半沉头木螺钉 - Nickel - plated mild steel round head wood screw
镀镍低碳钢圆头木螺丝 - Brass - plated mild steel round bead wood screw
镀黄铜圆头软钢木螺丝 - Cross recessed raised countersunk head wood screws . symbol fbz
十字槽凸起沉头木螺钉.符号fbz - Galvanized mild steel countersunk head wood screw
镀锌沉头木螺丝 - Bright mild steel countersunk head wood screw
Other Languages
- "wood screw" meaning: [Architecture] A helically threaded metal fastener having ...
- "wood screw" meaning in Japanese: wood screw木螺子もくねじ
- "wood screw" meaning in Russian: 1) шуруп
- "wood screw" meaning in French: une vis de bois
"wood" in Chinese, "screw" in Chinese, "wood science and technology" in Chinese, "wood scradisposal" in Chinese, "wood scraps separaror" in Chinese, "wood scraps separator" in Chinese, "wood screen" in Chinese, "wood screw anchor" in Chinese, "wood screw dies" in Chinese, "wood screw drill" in Chinese, "wood screw lathe" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of wood screw in Chinese and how to say wood screw in Chinese? wood screw Chinese meaning, wood screw的中文,wood screw的中文,wood screw的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.