unweathered in Chinese
- 未风化的
- 未经风化的
- 新鲜的
- "unweathered rock" in Chinese : 未风化岩石
- "unweathered mineral soil" in Chinese : 未风化矿质土壤
- "unwearying" in Chinese : adj. 1.不会疲倦的;坚持不懈的。 2.不使人疲倦的;不令人厌烦的。
- "unwearied" in Chinese : adj. 不疲劳的;不倦的;不屈不挠的。 adv. -ly
- "unweave" in Chinese : vt. (unwove; unwoven ) 拆散(织物)。
- "unwearable" in Chinese : 不适合穿戴的
- "unweave 的过去分词。" in Chinese : unwoven
- "unwc" in Chinese : 联合国水事会议
- "unweave 的过去式。" in Chinese : unwove
- "unwaxed floss" in Chinese : 无蜡牙线
- The subscript o and w identify the unweathered and weathered states .
下标O和W分别表示属于未风化和已风化的状态。 - The subscript o and w identify the unweathered and weathered states
- Adjective
- not worn by exposure to the weather; "chemical weathering was beginning to attack the unweathered bedrock"
Other Languages
- "unweathered" meaning: Adjective: unweathered Not worn by exposure to the ...
- "unweathered" meaning in Japanese: {形} : 風化の跡の見えない
- "unweathered" meaning in Russian: 1) _геол. погодоустойчивый, не пострадавший от атмосферног...
What is the meaning of unweathered in Chinese and how to say unweathered in Chinese? unweathered Chinese meaning, unweathered的中文,unweathered的中文,unweathered的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.