torch cut in Chinese
- 火焰切割
- "torch" in Chinese : n. 火炬,火把;【机械工程】气炬,喷灯;〔英国〕手电筒 ...
- "cut" in Chinese : vt. (cut; cutting) 1.切,割,截,斩 ...
- "cut by torch" in Chinese : 以火焰切割
- "torch cut off" in Chinese : 火焰切割
- "torch-cut slot" in Chinese : 气焰割缝
- "torch-flame cut" in Chinese : 火焰切割
- "torch" in Chinese : n. 火炬,火把;【机械工程】气炬,喷灯;〔英国〕手电筒;知识的光[源泉]; ...
- "a cut" in Chinese : 砍到
- "at cut" in Chinese : at截法
- "cut" in Chinese : vt. (cut; cutting) 1.切,割,截,斩,砍(树),剪(发等 ...
- "cut at" in Chinese : 对准猛打; 猛砍
- "cut in" in Chinese : (汽车)超车,抢挡; (汽车)抢挡;插嘴,打断; (汽车)抢道;插嘴,打断; ...
- "cut in on" in Chinese : 打断
- "cut into" in Chinese : 妨碍,插嘴,减少; 侵犯(利益),打断(讲话); 侵犯(利益等);削减; 削 ...
- "cut it" in Chinese : 办成事, 停止胡闹; 快走
- The cnc torch cutting automatic programming software exploitation based on autocad
"aerial torch" in Chinese, "lowpressure torch" in Chinese, "singeing torch" in Chinese, "torch weld" in Chinese, "descaling torch" in Chinese, "injector torch" in Chinese, "ignition torch" in Chinese, "torch singer" in Chinese, "torch job" in Chinese, "torch brazing" in Chinese, "torch case of torpedo" in Chinese, "torch centering" in Chinese, "torch cooky" in Chinese, "torch corona" in Chinese, "torch cut off" in Chinese, "torch cutoff" in Chinese, "torch cutter" in Chinese, "torch cutting" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of torch cut in Chinese and how to say torch cut in Chinese? torch cut Chinese meaning, torch cut的中文,torch cut的中文,torch cut的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by