shoo in Chinese
How to pronounce "shoo" Synonyms of "shoo" "shoo" in a sentence "shoo" meaning
int. 嘘!〔驱赶禽类的嘘声〕。vi. ,vt. 发“嘘!”声驱赶。
Crowds of children were shooed away by their teacher 一群群的孩子们被他们的老师赶走了。 Hearken , hearken , shoo s cursing on em “听吧,听吧,她在咒他们啦! ” Shoo those birds away , they ' re eating my garden seeds 嘘跑那些鸟,它们在花园里吃种子呢! Diana is a shoo - in to win a scholarship 黛安娜获奖学金十拿九稳。 That way i can shoo the crows away from the old cannoli 这样我就能把乌鸦从剩西西里卷饼中吓跑 Tom : [ shooing the bear cub away ] good luck , little fella 汤姆: (赶小熊走)祝你好运,小家伙。 She shooed the children out of the house into the garden 她以嘘嘘声把那些小孩子从屋子赶到花园。 Shoo cannot stale t sowl o nob dy 她可不能偷走任何人的魂! She answered , shoo doesn t bide here : shoo s up at th heights 她回答, “她不住在这儿她上山庄去啦。 ” With ty crane believed to be a shoo - in 泰克瑞恩被认为是
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