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shell script

shell script's meaning


  • You can use the following simple shell script to test the md5crypt java program against the local linux registry
    您可以使用下面这个简单的shell脚本来测试md5crypt java程序在本地linux注册系统上工作的情况。
  • The people who deploy your application will need to adapt the sample client programs and shell scripts to the target environment
  • One thing that s very noticeable is that the tivo has a fairly loose combination of shell scripts , tcl programs , and binaries
    非常值得注意的一件事情是tivo具有一个非常松散的shell脚本、 tcl程序和二进制程序的组合。
  • You can also have a . zshenv file , which is used for both interactive and non - interactive shells for example shell scripts
    您也可以建立一个既可以在交互式shell中使用又可以在非交互式shell中使用的~ / . zshenv文件(例如shell脚本) 。
  • Because data can just as easily be piped to sed , it s very easy to use sed as part of a long , complex pipeline in a powerful shell script
    因为可以轻易将数据管道输出到sed ,所以,将sed用作强大的shell脚本中长而复杂的管道很容易。
  • Rexx occupies a useful ecological niche between the relative crudeness of shell scripting and the cumbersome formality of full systems languages
    在相对粗糙的shell脚本和笨重的拘泥形式的完全系统语言的夹缝之中, rexx有其用武之地。
  • " shell scripting is an integral part of just about everything i do , whether quickly perusing and editing plain text or writing code , " he says
    “在我做的每一项工作中都要用到shell脚本,不论是快速地阅读和修改普通文本还是编写代码” ,他说。
  • Our next and final task involves scheduling the execution of the backup remote servers . sh shell script on the offsite data storage server
    我们的下一个步骤,也是最后一个步骤,是调度backup _ remote _ servers . sh shell脚本在离线的数据存储服务器上的执行。
  • It s interesting to note that the shell scripts are sourced into the parent shell so that early scripts can set environment variables for later ones to use
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5
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