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report to

report to's meaning


  • Carbon dioxide is reported to absorb primarily onto surface alkali or alkali-containing constituents .
  • The next early morning, he was under the necessity of making his report to the sitting magistrate of the day .
  • The slightest reluctance or deviation in carrying out this policy was to be reported to me .
  • They report to the police whenever there is a suspicious phone call, especially from a foreigner like you .
  • But if he does not come soon i must go in spite of all orders for i have a report to make now .
  • At any rate miss rachel was reported to have said some severe things to mr. franklin at the piano that evening .
  • The arbitral tribunal may appoint one or more experts to report to it, in writing, on specific issues to be determined by the tribunal .
  • It was reported to me that he was then a virtual exile in argentina, unable to go back to france because of the enmity of laval, hitler's most evil puppet .
  • Depending on the size of the establishment, several assistant chiefs report to the chef-a sauce chief, a salad chief, a vegetable chief, and so on .
  • Monthly review the situation and report to fc
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5
What is the meaning of report to in Chinese and how to say report to in Chinese? report to Chinese meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.