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milk cow

milk cow's meaning


  • The milk cow industry of tianjin plays an important role all over the country . faced with the challenges of the development of milk industry throughout the world , how to keep it ahead became a momentous task
  • For milking cows they would add some protein supplement . we almost gave up because the price of protein supplement increased rapidly , but the price of milk remained the same , and the milk yield of our cows was low . jiang says
    姜秀秀偶尔会这样抱怨: “由于奶牛饲料价格上涨过快,牛奶价格保持不变,加上奶牛生产性能不太高,这奶牛真是无法养下去了。 ”
  • But ought she not primarily to be able to milk cows , churn good butter , make immense cheeses ; know how to sit hens and turkeys , and rear chickens , to direct a field of labourers in an emergency , and estimate the value of sheep and calves
    “但是,这个姑娘首先是不是应该会挤牛奶,会搅黄油,会做美味的奶酪呢?首先是不是应该懂得照顾母鸡和火鸡孵蛋,懂得照顾小鸡,懂得在紧急时候指挥工人种地,懂得给牛羊估价呢? ”
  • While the lectures gave a detailed description of forage production and decision - making with farm production economics , demonstrations on the farm and at the research stations focused on practical skills in forage production , including tours of forage variety farm for farmers to choose from and observation of seeding , irrigation , forage harvesting , silage production , grassland management and breeding of sheep , beef cattle and milk cow
  • In an effort to support dairy development in villages where the average number of milking cows per household is four , the concept of milking centres has been introduced . this system is geared to improving milk yield and also the quality and safety of all milk and milk products with the end result being increased revenue for the individual household
  • Zhang genkui , in particular , has seen the daily output of milk going up by 2 to 2 . 5 kilograms , the stable milk output and cost for forage saved by feeding his cows alfalfa and pre - mixed feed , coupled with application of mastitis disinfectant offered by the project , following the training and demonstration of milk cow raising technologies given for the demonstration households by the senior experts from both china and abroad through sfagm
    特别是张根奎想到了中加小农户项目的中外资深专家对示范户进行的奶牛饲养技术的培训和示范指导,根据小农户专家的建议给奶牛饲喂了苜蓿草块和预混料并配以项目提供的乳房炎消毒药水之后,使得产奶量每天增加2 - 2 . 5公斤,而且产奶量也稳定,其他的草料钱也省下了。
  • Withstanding the pain , and under the protection of the milk cows , mr . dante crawled on hands and knees for two hundred yards . only when he was sure that there was no longer any danger , did he dare to go back to his home half a mile away . the doctor diagnosed that he had fractured ribs , injuries to his lungs and back , plus many minor injuries
  • More examples:  1  2  3
What is the meaning of milk cow in Chinese and how to say milk cow in Chinese? milk cow Chinese meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.