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shell script

shell script's meaning


  • I preferred to write a shell script " narval . sh " that runs this
    我建议写一个“ narval . sh ”的shell脚本来运行上面的命令。
  • The installer may fail to run because it s a nonportable shell script
  • Thus , shell scripts like this are almost certainly a serious vulnerability
  • This utility is a shell script that writes the configuration file to disk as
  • Similarly , autoconf uses m4 to produce shell scripts based on simple macros
    类似地, autoconf使用m4宏基于简单的宏来生成shell脚本。
  • Start the installation program launchpad by issuing the following shell script command
    执行下面的shell脚本命令来启动安装程序( launchpad ) :
  • This utility is an executable shell script that builds the configuration information
  • Directory and type the following shell script at the bash prompt as the " root " user
    目录,然后以“ root ”用户在bash提示符下输入下面的shell脚本:
  • Perl s regular expression heritage comes from shell scripting and the awk grep tools
    Perl的正则表达式是从shell脚本程序以及awk / grep工具中继承而来的。
  • You must provide an example client program or set of programs and shell scripts , which will
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5
What is the meaning of shell script in Chinese and how to say shell script in Chinese? shell script Chinese meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.