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horizontal stabilizer meaning

horizontal stabilizer's meaning


  • The horizontal stabilizer was mounted at mid-fuselage with the elevators separated.
  • The aircraft was piloted using vertical and horizontal stabilizers.
  • The part controls the DC-9 / MD-80 horizontal stabilizer system.
  • Moving the horizontal stabilizer forward solved the problem.
  • The sailplane is trimmed in pitch via an innovative variable-position horizontal stabilizer.
  • Elevator forces were trimmed out by use of an inflight-adjustable horizontal stabilizer.
  • The entire horizontal stabilizer assemblies from the two grounded Alaska jets will also be analyzed.
  • The jackscrew, part of the horizontal stabilizer, is suspected of causing the crash.
  • Many aircraft use a fully moveable horizontal stabilizer called stabilator or all-moving tail.
  • The tail is of cruciform design, with the horizontal stabilizer mounted above the fuselage.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5
What is the meaning of horizontal stabilizer and how to define horizontal stabilizer in English? horizontal stabilizer meaning, what does horizontal stabilizer mean in a sentence? horizontal stabilizer meaninghorizontal stabilizer definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.