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living fossil meaning

living fossil's meaning


  • It's one of these classic living fossil animals.
  • This music is like a fossil _ a living fossil.
  • Perhaps the blobs were remnants of living fossils more fearsome than the dinosaurs.
  • After reading this article, you can guess that the discovery of living fossils
  • The few species which are extant are sometimes termed " living fossils ".
  • The coelacanth is another lobe-finned fish that is a living fossil.
  • "It's a real case of a living fossil,"
  • Nuo opera drama, called a " living fossil ", is still widespread.
  • This living fossil is easy, too.
  • Some living fossils are taxa that were known from fossils before living representatives were discovered.
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5
What is the meaning of living fossil and how to define living fossil in English? living fossil meaning, what does living fossil mean in a sentence? living fossil meaningliving fossil definition, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by eng.ichacha.net.