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route survey in Chinese

How to pronounce "route survey""route survey" in a sentence

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  • 航线测量
  • 路线测量
  • 路由勘测
  • 线路测盆


  • In this paper , the marine route survey factors , such as water depth , bottom slope , soil shearing strength , tidal current and thunderstorm and their roles in the submarine fibre - optic cable engineering are introduced , and their roles and necessities in the cable construction are also appraised , which will make the combination of marine route survey with construction demand closer and the marine route survey be aimed at the cable engineering practice

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What is the meaning of route survey in Chinese and how to say route survey in Chinese? route survey Chinese meaning, route survey的中文route survey的中文route survey的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.