reusable routine in Chinese
- 可再用程序
- 可重用程序
- 可重用例程序
- 可重用例行程序
- "routine" in Chinese : n. 例行公事,日常工作;常规;惯例;程序。 the d ...
- "non-reusable routine" in Chinese : 不可重用程序
- "serial reusable routine" in Chinese : 可连续重用例行程序
- "serially reusable routine" in Chinese : 可连续重用例程; 可连续重用例行程序; 可连用程序
- "serially-reusable routine" in Chinese : 可连续重用例程; 可连续重用例行程序
- "not reusable" in Chinese : 不可重用的; 不能重新使用的
- "reusable" in Chinese : 可多次使用的; 可回收使用的; 可以再度使用的; 可以再使用的; 可以再用的 ...
- "reentrant-reusable" in Chinese : 重入再用的
- "reusable architecture" in Chinese : 可重用结构
- "reusable attribute" in Chinese : 可重用属性
- "reusable bag" in Chinese : 环保袋
- "reusable block" in Chinese : 可重用程序块
- "reusable bookmark" in Chinese : 可再次使用的书签
- "reusable booster" in Chinese : 可重复使用的助推器
- "reusable code" in Chinese : 可重用代码
- You can add these reusable routines to your code and edit them using the pointers the code contains
- Noun
- a routine that can be loaded once and executed repeatedly
Other Languages
- "reusable routine" meaning: Noun: reusable routine A routine that can be loaded...
- "reusable routine" meaning in Japanese: 再使用可能{さい しよう かのう}ルーチン
- "reusable routine" meaning in Russian: многократно используемая программа
"reusable material" in Chinese, "reusable code" in Chinese, "reusable attribute" in Chinese, "reusable container" in Chinese, "reusable program" in Chinese, "reusable block" in Chinese, "reusable strength" in Chinese, "reusable orbiter" in Chinese, "reusable design" in Chinese, "reusable pod" in Chinese, "reusable resource" in Chinese, "reusable resource graph" in Chinese, "reusable resources" in Chinese, "reusable software" in Chinese, "reusable software module" in Chinese, "reusable spacecraft" in Chinese, "reusable subroutine" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of reusable routine in Chinese and how to say reusable routine in Chinese? reusable routine Chinese meaning, reusable routine的中文,reusable routine的中文,reusable routine的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by