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refractive error in Chinese

How to pronounce "refractive error""refractive error" in a sentence"refractive error" meaning

Translationmobile phoneMobile

  • 屈光不正
  • 折射误差


  • To understand what refractive surgery does , we need to first know what a refractive error is
  • Eye that has refractive error equal or greater than - 6 . 0 diopters 600 degrees is classified as " high myopia "
  • Eye that has refractive error equal or greater than - 6 . 0 diopters ( 600 degrees ) is classified as " high myopia "
  • Laser in situ keratomileusis ( lasik ) is an effective surgical procedure to correct refractive error
  • The axial elongation has a familial tendency and is present commonly with refractive errors greater than - 6 . 0d
  • The axial elongation has a familial tendency and is present commonly with refractive errors greater than - 6 . 0d
  • The zywave ii wavefront aberrometer offers precision diagnostics , measuring refractive error by identifying the most aberrations of the eye
    波前像差扫描zywaver ii量度及分析个人眼睛给的度数和像差等问题。
  • Refractive error more than - 15 . od , , axial length over 29 . 0mm , and age more than 45 years old are risk factors for the development of early myopic maculopathy
    近视度数超过- 15 . 0d ,眼轴长超过29 . 0毫米,且年龄超过45岁以上是产生黄斑部病变的危险因子。
  • Refractive error results from deviation in the shape of the eyes ; so that lights entered the eye does not bend correctly , resulting in a blurred image on the retina
  • More examples:  1  2

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What is the meaning of refractive error in Chinese and how to say refractive error in Chinese? refractive error Chinese meaning, refractive error的中文refractive error的中文refractive error的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.