ado sound
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- ado in Chinese:n.骚扰,无谓的纷扰,忙乱;费力,艰难。 make [have] much ado 大忙一阵,费尽心力 (He had much ado in finding out his lodging. 他费尽力气才找到住处)。 make much ado about nothing 无事生非,小题大作。 once for ado 只一次,一劳永逸。 with much ado 煞费苦心,费尽心血,好容易才。 without more [future] ado 以后毫不费力,以后立即 (He paid up without any more ado. 他不再?嗦就付了钱)。
- ado in French:音标:[ado]n. 青少年[adolescent的缩写]