profiteer in Chinese
[ ˌprɔfi'tiə ] Pronunciation:
past tense: profiteered past participle: profiteered plural: profiteers present participle: profiteering
- n.
取得不正当的利益,牟取暴利。 profiteering merchants 奸商。
- "profiteering" in Chinese : 暴利的获得; 倒买倒卖; 获不正当利益的; 牟取暴利 抬高利润 贪图暴利 ...
- "profitearned" in Chinese : 已得利润 已获盈利
- "profitgraph,breakeven chart" in Chinese : 利润图,损益两平图
- "profitdeductionandreserving" in Chinese : 提留
- "profiti" in Chinese : 普罗菲蒂
- "profitavailablefordividend" in Chinese : 可分配利益 可供分配股利的利润 可用作支付股息的利润
- "profiting" in Chinese : 盈利
- "profitandlossstatementent" in Chinese : 盈亏计算书损益计算书
- "profitless" in Chinese : adj. 1.无利的;无利可图的。 2.无益的,无用的。 n. -ness ...
- "profitandloss statementnt" in Chinese : 损益表报告书
- He was tarred with profiteering brush .
他因谋取不正当的利益而声名狼籍。 - He tried to profiteer from this dirty deal .
他想在这笔肮脏的交易中捞一把。 - The people will stop your profiteering schemes, and the people will win .
人民将阻止你们牟取暴利的诡计,人民必胜。 - Rent controls were introduced to prevent profiteering
为了防止牟取暴利而实行了租金管制 - You have called me a liar and a thief and a war profiteer
你说我是个骗子,小偷,发战争财! - You have caiied me a iiar and a thief and a war profiteer
你说我是个骗子,小偷,发战争财! - A person of a rapacious , predatory , or profiteering nature
贪婪的人具有贪婪、凶残或逐利性格的人 - Profiteering in exploration right or mining right shall be prohibited
- Noun
- someone who makes excessive profit (especially on goods in short supply)
- make an unreasonable profit, as on the sale of difficult to obtain goods
Other Languages
- "profiteer" meaning: Noun: profiteer `prófi'tir [N. Amer], `p...
- "profiteer" meaning in Japanese: 1profiteer n. 不当利得者. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆a black market profiteer 闇...
- "profiteer" meaning in Russian: 1) спекулянт (особенно военного времени)2) спекулировать (...
- "profiteer" meaning in French: n. profiteur; mercanti; qui fait flamber les prix v. fa...
"profitandloss statementnt" in Chinese, "profitandlossstatementent" in Chinese, "profitavailablefordividend" in Chinese, "profitdeductionandreserving" in Chinese, "profitearned" in Chinese, "profiteering" in Chinese, "profitgraph,breakeven chart" in Chinese, "profiti" in Chinese, "profiting" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of profiteer in Chinese and how to say profiteer in Chinese? profiteer Chinese meaning, profiteer的中文,profiteer的中文,profiteer的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by