positioning screw, set screw in Chinese
- 定位螺钉
- "position" in Chinese : n. 1.位置;方位;地点。 2.处境,情况;状态,形势 ...
- "screw" in Chinese : n. 1.螺旋;螺钉。 2.螺旋桨;暗轮。 3.暗轮轮船 ...
- "set screw" in Chinese : 固定[定位]螺丝,弹簧调节螺丝。
- "positioning screw" in Chinese : 定位螺钉
- "set screw" in Chinese : 固定[定位]螺丝,弹簧调节螺丝。
- "band wheel set screw" in Chinese : 带轮主头螺丝
- "bone screw set" in Chinese : 全套接骨螺钉包
- "bush set screw" in Chinese : 衬套止动螺钉; 衬套制动螺钉
- "cam set screw" in Chinese : 凸轮固定螺钉
- "cup point set screw" in Chinese : 圆端止动螺钉
- "flat end set screw" in Chinese : 平端固定螺钉
- "flat point set screw" in Chinese : 平端定位螺钉
- "general puopose screw set" in Chinese : 广用螺纹工具组
- "handle set screw" in Chinese : 车辆制动螺钉
- "headless set screw" in Chinese : 无头定位螺钉; 无头止动螺丝
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What is the meaning of positioning screw, set screw in Chinese and how to say positioning screw, set screw in Chinese? positioning screw, set screw Chinese meaning, positioning screw, set screw的中文,positioning screw, set screw的中文,positioning screw, set screw的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.