in in a sentence

"in" meaning in French   "in" meaning  "in" in Chinese  
  1. Mutagenicity of vinyl compounds in Salmonella typhimurium, Teratogen.
  2. BHUSHAN, N.; ROSENFELD, S. Metaphorical Models in Chemistry.
  3. Pharmaceutical advertisements in leading medical journals: experts’ assessments.
  4. Studies in Sociological theory, Stockholm, Almquist et Wiksell.
  5. Contraceptive failure in the United States: an update.
  6. It's difficult to find in in a sentence.
  7. 2 in C Major, 1931, révisée en 1941.
  8. « Ist der systemwechsel in Schweden in gefahr?
  9. « Ist der systemwechsel in Schweden in gefahr?
  10. HIV transmission in gay men in Stockholm 19901992.
  11. HIV transmission in gay men in Stockholm 19901992.
  12. Beating Africa's poverty by investing in Africa's infrastructure.
  13. Avoiding the Tobacco Epidemic in Women and Youth.
  14. Seroprevalence of HIV infection in rural South Africa.
  15. 731: Epifanio, cardinal de S. Lorenzo in Damaso.
  16. épisode: Five Days in the Death of Sgt.
  17. More:   1  2  3  4


  1. imzad in a sentence
  2. imâm in a sentence
  3. imâms in a sentence
  4. imécourt in a sentence
  5. iméréthie in a sentence
  6. in & out in a sentence
  7. in a bar, under the sea in a sentence
  8. in a glass house in a sentence
  9. in a hand or a face in a sentence
  10. in a hurry in a sentence
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