上智大学 in a sentence

"上智大学" in English  
  1. Mar 1972 graduated from sophia university dept . of english language and studies
    教育背景: 1972年3月毕业于上智大学外语系英语学科
  2. " openness " and " choice " keys to future of asia , rice says secretary sees major role for japan , china in stability for region
    国务卿康多莉扎?赖斯在东京上智大学的演讲, 2005年3月19日
  3. I am studying french at which japanese university called sophia . so , i can speak chinese , english , japanese and a little french
  4. And we look forward to working with china on other issues , to see if we can forge a common approach to the challenges of sudan and burma and nepal
  5. We appreciate china s efforts to ensure stability in south asia , and its support in the global war on terrorism - - including joining our container security initiative
  6. 上智大学造句挺难的,這是一个万能造句的方法
  7. While it has more overseas facilities than waseda or tokyo ' s keio university - which have nine and eight , respectively - kyoto university has 12 more than the university of tokyo
    而同在东京的日本高等学府中,上智大学的外教占教职工人数的48 ,早稻田大学占8 。


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  5. 上智大 in a sentence
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  7. 上智下愚 in a sentence
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  10. 上中 in a sentence
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