wilhelm grewe in a sentence

  1. Wilhelm Grewe finds " Dum Diversas " essentially " geographically unlimited " in its application, perhaps the most important papal act relating to Portuguese colonisation.
  2. In the historiography of international law, some German authors, most notably among them Wilhelm Grewe and Karl-Heinz Ziegler, have argued that several periods can be distinguished, such as the Spanish era ( 1494 1648 ), the French era ( 1648-1789 / 1815 ), the English era ( 1789 / 1815-1919 ) and the American era since 1919 . The transitions between these eras are often marked by grand peace settlements, such as the earlier mentioned treaties of Westphalia ( 1645 48 ), the treaties of Ryswick and Utrecht ( 1697 / 1714 ), Vienna ( 1814 15 ), Paris ( 1919 ) and San Francisco ( the UN Charter, 1945 ).
  3. It's difficult to find wilhelm grewe in a sentence.


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