wagon brake in a sentence
- Loose-coupled freight trains had to stop at the top to apply wagon brakes and not exceed.
- In the days before through braking of goods trains, wagon brakes would have to be pinned down.
- They were built in the days before continuous braking was available and the locomotive brake needed to be augmented by brakemen applying the wagon brakes individually.
- Toggle clamps, which are functionally similar to wagon brakes, are sometimes used in lieu of theatrical wagon brakes due to their higher load ratings and more durable construction.
- Toggle clamps, which are functionally similar to wagon brakes, are sometimes used in lieu of theatrical wagon brakes due to their higher load ratings and more durable construction.
- It's difficult to find wagon brake in a sentence.
- In Germany, the brakemen occupied brakeman's cabins on several or even all wagons in a train and would operate the wagon brakes when signaled by the engine driver.
- Wagon brakes provide a very fast means of locking and unlocking wagons, but the brakes and stage can be damaged if the running crew attempts to move a wagon while its brakes are engaged.
- The station is a compulsory stop for all'Down'( westbound ) unfitted or loose-coupled goods trains, so that the wagon brakes may be pinned down before the descent of Gordon's Hill.
- Current technology allows a locomotive to develop as much as 30 percent of its loaded driver weight in tractive force, amounting to some of automatic train brakes installed in wagons today, prevents runaway trains by automatically applying the wagon brakes when train line air pressure drops.
- A "'brakeman's cabin "'( also "'brakeman's cab "') or "'brakeman's caboose "'( US ) was a small one-man compartment at one end of a railway wagon to provide shelter for the brakeman from the weather and in which equipment for manually operating the wagon brake was located.