trypanosomosis in a sentence
- There are no effective vaccines against trypanosomosis, and the parasite that causes the disease quickly becomes resistant to drugs.
- The removal of trypanosomosis will eliminate the need for constant prophylactic treatments of the cattle with trypanocidal drugs, therefore reducing dung, meat and milk.
- Area-wide interventions against the tsetse and trypanosomosis problem appear more efficient and profitable if sufficiently large areas, with high numbers of cattle, can be covered.
- The Poney du Logone is one of two horse breeds reported to show tolerance of, or resistance to, tsetse-borne trypanosomosis, or " sleeping sickness ".
- Economic analysis indicates that the cost of managing trypanosomosis through the elimination of important populations of major tsetse vectors will be covered several times by the benefits of tsetse-free status.
- It's difficult to find trypanosomosis in a sentence.
- Effect of EtBr on mitochondrial DNA is used in veterinary medicine to treat trypanosomosis in cattle, as EtBr binds molecules of kinetoplastid DNA and changes their conformation to Z-DNA form.
- The World Health Organization, a partner in the new initiative, estimates that between 300, 000 and 500, 000 people in 36 African countries suffer from sleeping sickness, also known as trypanosomosis.
- The heifer and three more of Worku Tegegne's nine cattle are suffering from " Gendi, " or bovine trypanosomosis, a disease that attacks the blood and nervous systems of livestock.
- Tsetse flies, which also carry the parasite that causes sleeping sickness _ the human form of trypanosomosis which kills hundreds of thousands of people each year _ are only found in Africa and exacerbate poverty by costing the world's poorest continent an estimated dlrs 4.5 billion per year, according to PATTEC.
- Last year, the OAU set up the Pan-African Tsetse and Trypanosomosis Eradication Campaign, known as PATTEC, to coordinate and mobilize African governments to become involved in a project to release millions of male tsetse flies, sterilized by gamma radiation, into tsetse-infested areas in a bid to stop them from reproducing.