triumphal arches in a sentence
- The processsion moved through scores of triumphal arches under glittering fireworks.
- Several reconstructed buildings including a basilica and triumphal arch are visible.
- The temple is associated with a triumphal arch over the road.
- It still features a Roman triumphal arch at its eastern abutment.
- For that reason the Brandenburg Gate resembles a Roman triumphal arch.
- It's difficult to find triumphal arches in a sentence.
- Only the triumphal arch and the sidewalls remain from this period.
- A triumphal arch are supported with posts decorated with armillary spheres.
- Little is known about how the Romans viewed triumphal arches.
- Most Roman triumphal arches were built during the imperial period.
- The triumphal arches were crafted by Rock of Ages Corporation.
- These'Orange arches'are inspired by triumphal arches.
- He appears to evoke a triumphal arch in the facade.
- Wilds also designed a triumphal arch and Swiss Cottages for the site.
- He painted many Italianate landscapes with monuments and triumphal arches.
- In 217 a triumphal arch was erected for the emperor for Macrinus.