trebujena in a sentence
- Trebujena was made into an independent town " chartae populationis " on 21 April 1494 by order of Juan Alonso P閞ez de Guzm醤 y de Ribera, the III Duke of Medina Sidonia.
- Several works of the greatest interest which have placed his name among the great composers of our time include : " Fantas韆 para guitarra y orquesta, Trebujena, Medea " and " Sole?", showing his attempts to merge his primary focus in music, and which toured the world as a ballet; " Tauromagia " or " Aljibe ".
- The area covered by this geographical indication comprises the following municipalities : Arcos de la Frontera, Chiclana de la Frontera, Chipiona, El Puerto de Santa Mar韆, Jerez de la Frontera Prado del Rey, Puerto Real, Rota, Sanl鷆ar de Barrameda, Olvera, Setenil, Villamart韓, Bornos, Trebujena and San Jos?del Valle, in the province of C醖iz ( Andalusia, Spain ).
- It's difficult to find trebujena in a sentence.