successiveness in a sentence

"successiveness" meaning  "successiveness" in Chinese  
  1. The thought three representatives as successiveness and development of marxism
  2. At present , arcjet has been the highlight of investigation and application because of its high thrust density , high ratio of thrust and power , preferable specific impulse , better system successiveness and reliability
  3. Arcjet is one of the highlight of electric propulsion investigation and application because of its high thrust density , high ratio of thrust and power , preferable specific impulse , better system successiveness and reliability
  4. It's difficult to find successiveness in a sentence.


  1. successive whorl in a sentence
  2. successive withdrawal in a sentence
  3. successive years of drought in a sentence
  4. successively in a sentence
  5. successively go after you in a sentence
  6. successless in a sentence
  7. successo in a sentence
  8. successor in a sentence
  9. successor account in a sentence
  10. successor activity in a sentence
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