saddleworth white rose society in a sentence
- The Saddleworth White Rose Society organises events every Yorkshire Day ( 1 August ) to promote its contention that Saddleworth remains part of the West Riding of Yorkshire.
- For example he attacked the article of cultural group Saddleworth White Rose Society, a group entirely centered around their affilation to the historic county of Yorkshire, by removing a category which shows they are based within said historic county.
- Associated groups include the Saddleworth White Rose Society, which handles Saddleworth ( historically in the West Riding, but part of the Metropolitan Borough of Oldham of Greater Manchester since 1974 ), and Unite Craven, who are concerned with the western part of Craven ( including Barnoldswick, Earby and the former Bowland Rural District ) which was made part of the non-metropolitan county of Lancashire in 1974.
- :: : : You know full well why I made a comment in the edit summary of the Saddleworth White Rose Society with the word Lancastrian, after you had attentionally defased one of their categorys, only seconds after you had hit and run attacked the Yorkshire article with the " see talk " nonsense where you never ( and still haven't ) entered talkpage discussion . [ http : / / en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Talk : Yorkshire # Introduction _ . 28again . 29 You understook full well what you were doing, just as you understand full well what you are doing with this ridiculous " racist " personal attack you have yet to apologise for.
- You seem to be making a strawman . However I'm waiting for your explination for the way you have intentionally, culturally attacked the Saddleworth White Rose Society in an extremely offensive way, against the wishes of the organisation, [ http : / / whiterose . saddleworth . net / stillpart . htm, the United Kingdom government, and the future king of the United Kingdon Prince Charles of Wales . [ http : / / www . buzzle . com / editorials / 9-23-2004-59624 . asp Apart from it being a balant attempt to antagonise and get a rise out of any proud Yorkshire person, or specifically myself as it was my edits you followed, what is your explination for this behaviour?
- It's difficult to find saddleworth white rose society in a sentence.
- He comes to the Yorkshire article, trolls me with an edit summary of " see talk " despite the fact that he had not even contributed anything at all to the talkpage in question and that on the talk it had been solidly presented that the information which he put back in the article was incorrect . If that was enough spitting on Yorkshire related articles for a day, he then went on to commit the Saddleworth White Rose Society atrocity mentioned earlier in this post . [ http : / / en . wikipedia . org / w / index . php ? title = Saddleworth _ White _ Rose _ Society & action = history When I messaged him on his talk, requesting an explination for his antagonistic treatment of myself, he basically put across that he couldn't really be bothered to enter the discussion on the talk ( and still hasn't ) or read the message which I presented before his edit.