Sentence dictionary
in a sentence
anonymous p2p
Governments are also interested in anonymous P2P technology. Some proponents of anonymous P2P systems believe that all restrictions on free speech serve authoritarian interests. Every node...
foundation for p2p alternatives
The Foundation for P2P Alternatives explicitly aims to " creates a new public domain, an information commons, which should be protected and extended, especially in the domain of common kno...
The P2P and other easily obtained ingredients were mixed in ether. Some form of P2P payment system is sure to hold on. P2P programs allow other users to probe your computer for files. Legi...
p2p asset management
P2P Asset management takes dis-intermediation full circle.
p2p asset manager
An important nuance is that P2P asset managers could suffer a conflict of interest, if in addition to acting in an agent capacity, providing investment management and brokerage services, t...
p2p banking
Since P2P banking does not use third party banking institution intermediaries the rates and terms are often much more favourable for the members. P2P banking and financing has been propose...
p2p caching
P2P caching temporarily stores popular content that is flowing into an ISP s network. Peerapp Ltd . holds the first patent for P2P caching technology, which was filed in 2000. P2P caching...
p2p file sharing
The album leaked onto P2P file sharing networks on March 17, 2008. The album was leaked to P2P file sharing networks in early May 2008. Their first song, " MPFree " is an anthem for P2P fi...
p2p filesharing
Blocking certain IPs has become commonplace and even considered essential in P2P filesharing. There were reports on the Big Wheel Recreation website that they were working on a second albu...
p2p foundation
The P2P Foundation is a registered institute founded in Amsterdam, Netherlands. A fourth conference was held in Manchester in March 2009 in cooperation with P2P Foundation. The workshop is...
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