Sentence dictionary
in a sentence
give value for value
"For right now, the answer is clearly yes, unless we can do something else that helps our organization, " he said . " At whatever point in time, if it ever happens, that a club is talking ...
1996 true value 200
The "'1996 True Value 200 "'was the first round of the 1996 1997 Indy Racing League season.
1997 true value 500
The "'1997 True Value 500 "'was the sixth round of the 1996 1997 Indy Racing League season.
1998 true value 500
The "'1998 True Value 500 "'was the fourth round of the 1998 Indy Racing League season. They are ( 3 ) the inaugural True Value 500, during which Tony Stewart and Buddy Lazier ripped off t...
a store of value
Devalued notes or leaving silver as a store of value caused economic problems. Gold is really used only as jewelry and as a store of value. Certainly gold's reputation as a store of value ...
a value
It perpetuates a value system based on stereotypical notions of masculinity. Neither MassMutual nor Babson would put a value on the deal. A Kmart spokesman declined to put a value on that ...
abbe value
The Abbe number for a material at a particular refractive index formulation is usually specified as its Abbe value. Standard polycarbonate with an Abbe value of 30 is one of the worst mate...
abnormal value
On 28 July Astana fired Vladimir Gusev for showing " abnormal values " in an internal doping check.
above par value
Still, the company has ample lines of bank credit, and Boylan said the company's paper was trading at above par value. Cross-shareholdings were often purchased at par or just above par val...
above value
Some domestic investors are concerned the recent rally may have pushed some share prices above values reflecting true earnings potential, traders said. Making use of the Human Development ...
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