orogeny in a sentence
- Geologists call the resulting mountain-building event the Sevier orogeny.
- Before the orogeny the rocks of the coastal area were formed.
- The area was uplifted by the Laramide orogeny during latest Cretaceous.
- The resulting Caledonian Orogeny produced an Alpine-style mountain range.
- Relative sea levels fell very rapidly due to the Laramide orogeny.
- It's difficult to find orogeny in a sentence.
- The north west element was altered by the Tyennan Orogeny around.
- In the Variscan Orogeny folding and faulting affected all the rocks.
- Some geologists dispute whether convergent plate tectonics produced the Sonoma orogeny.
- The Finnmarkian orogeny affected northern Norway in the early Palaeozoic era.
- The Antler orogeny on the southwest coast of Laurassia caused upheavals.
- Relative sea levels fell very rapidly due to the Laramide Orogeny.
- The Zonguldak basin is currently being uplifted by the Alpide orogeny.
- This tectonic phase is called the Pan-African orogeny.
- These metasedimentary rocks were later uplifted during the Alleghenian orogeny.
- Both may have been formed around the time of the Ouachita orogeny.