obce in a sentence

"obce" in Chinese  
  1. The Secretary of the Committee is a member of the OBCE.
  2. V roku 1945 bola po prv?kr醫 v hist髍ii obce zalo ~ en?slovensk?akola.
  3. Some of these are further divided between Municipalities with Commissioned Local Authority ( obce s povYen齧 obecn韒 鶼adem, shortened to povYen?obec, pl . povYen?obce; " second-level municipalities " ).
  4. Some of these are further divided between Municipalities with Commissioned Local Authority ( obce s povYen齧 obecn韒 鶼adem, shortened to povYen?obec, pl . povYen?obce; " second-level municipalities " ).
  5. Some of these are further divided between " Municipalities with Commissioned Local Authority " ( " obce s povYen齧 obecn韒 鶼adem ", shortened to " povYen?obec ", pl . povYen?obce; " second-level municipalities " ).
  6. It's difficult to find obce in a sentence.
  7. Some of these are further divided between " Municipalities with Commissioned Local Authority " ( " obce s povYen齧 obecn韒 鶼adem ", shortened to " povYen?obec ", pl . povYen?obce; " second-level municipalities " ).
  8. The prize was created in 2001 by the OBCE ( Observatorio del Banco Central Europeo ), a European nonprofit association of economists focusing on watching the European Central Bank and promoting the public debate on issues related with the Eurozone economy and with the aim of improving the quality of economic policy.
  9. A further reform in effect since January 2003 created 204 Municipalities with Extended Competence ( obce s roza鞾enou posobnost?); also obce III . stupn  third-level municipalities, unofficially also called " little districts " ( Czech :'mal?okresy') which took over most of the administration of the former district authorities.
  10. A further reform in effect since January 2003 created 204 Municipalities with Extended Competence ( obce s roza鞾enou posobnost?); also obce III . stupn  third-level municipalities, unofficially also called " little districts " ( Czech :'mal?okresy') which took over most of the administration of the former district authorities.
  11. A reform in effect since January 2003 replaced the districts with 204 " Municipalities with Extended Competence " ( " obce s roza鞾enou posobnost?"; also " obce III . stupn "-third-level municipalities, unofficially also called " little districts " ( ) which took over most of the administration of the former district authorities.
  12. A reform in effect since January 2003 replaced the districts with 204 " Municipalities with Extended Competence " ( " obce s roza鞾enou posobnost?"; also " obce III . stupn "-third-level municipalities, unofficially also called " little districts " ( ) which took over most of the administration of the former district authorities.


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