obadiah ben abraham in a sentence
- A few years later in 1488, Italian commentator and spiritual leader of Jewry, Obadiah ben Abraham arrived in Jerusalem.
- In 1488 Obadiah ben Abraham, commentator on the Mishnah, arrived in Jerusalem; this marked a new period of return for the Jewish community in the land.
- Obadiah ben Abraham of Bertinoro in his commentary on the Mishnah ( 1549, on Chullin 5 : 1 et al . ) understood the prohibition to apply to both mother or father of the offspring.
- The Italian rabbi Obadiah ben Abraham Bartenura writing of Machpelah around 1490 wrote :'I was in the Cave of Machpelah, over which the mosque has been built; and the Arabs hold the place in high honour.
- Obadiah ben Abraham writes that he was informed by Adeni Jews in Jerusalem, that they had heard from Muslim merchants that the river was located about fifty-days'walking distance from their place as one journeys through the desert.
- It's difficult to find obadiah ben abraham in a sentence.
- Rabbi Obadiah ben Abraham who wrote a letter from Jerusalem in 1488 says that I sought the place of the Foundation Stone where the Ark of the Covenant was placed, and many people told me it is under a tall and beautiful dome which the Arabs built in the Temple precinct ".
- Only after the week's wait and the immersion, would the person become ritually clean once more ( ) although he would not be permitted to eat terumah until nightfall nor to eat the flesh of a sacrifice until after bringing his sacrifice ( Mishnah Nega'im 14 : 3 and Obadiah ben Abraham's commentary ).
- The Italian rabbi Obadiah ben Abraham of Bertinoro wrote to his father of the sects in Jerusalem, to which he had made aliyah late in the 15th century, he listed among the Christians " the Latins, Greeks, Jacobites, Amalekites, Abyssinians . " It may be that Byzantine Jews made the identification of Armenians and Amalekites to distinguish the former from the Greek Orthodox Christians, and its continued use seems primarily aimed to register the idea that the Amalekites still existed within the realm of Christendom.