oakland - san francisco bay bridge in a sentence
- It is adjacent to Interstates 80 and 580 in addition to the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Bridge and the MacArthur Maze.
- Torlakson was against Gov . Arnold Schwarzenegger s proposal of having the Bay Area pay the complete cost of the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Bridge's new eastern span to replace the span damaged in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake.
- The freeway was built in the early 1960s and was intended as part of a longer road that would head west from the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Bridge and cut through Golden Gate Park before turning north to connect with the Golden Gate Bridge.
- While the riders are merely angling for a free ride to the city, the solo driver, more importantly, gets the three-person occupancy required to travel in the toll-free, express car-pool lanes of the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Bridge.
- It's difficult to find oakland - san francisco bay bridge in a sentence.