oak leafroller in a sentence
- In 1942, nest boxes were erected, in the hope that pied flycatchers would control oak leafroller moths, which were defoliating trees.
- Over 15 species of moths are referred to with the common name oak leafroller, approximately three-fifths from the " Tortricidae " family, but also from four other families.
- In 1974 the United States Forest Service tested four insecticides on oak leafroller larvae as replacements for DDT and found that less than 1 microgram of each ( bioethanomethrin, mexacarbate, phoxim, and pyrethrins ) caused 90 percent mortality.
- According to the United States Forest Service, " Archips semiferanus " is the " most important oak leafroller " of these species; other common oak leafroller species such as " Archips argyrosplilus " and " Choristoneura fractivittana " are commonly found on oak trees, but do not cause the damage that " A . semiferanus " does.
- According to the United States Forest Service, " Archips semiferanus " is the " most important oak leafroller " of these species; other common oak leafroller species such as " Archips argyrosplilus " and " Choristoneura fractivittana " are commonly found on oak trees, but do not cause the damage that " A . semiferanus " does.
- It's difficult to find oak leafroller in a sentence.
- In Pennsylvania in the late 1960s and early 1970s, oak leafrollers defoliated over and in 1975 the Bureau of Forestry reported " The value of oak timber lost from the outbreak has now exceeded $ 100, 000, 000 . " Hikers in the Quehanna Wild Area in northern Pennsylvania were warned to be careful with campfires as the large numbers of dead oak trees on the Allegheny Plateau from oak leafroller were a fire hazard.