multinucleated in a sentence
- The cells may be phagocytosed by histiocytes or multinucleated giant cells.
- With the sealing zone in place, the multinucleated osteoclast reorganizes itself.
- These multinucleated cells appear very similar to virally induced syncytia.
- Biopsy shows multinucleated giant cells and thus the name.
- The chlorarachniophytes form multinucleate cells by fusion, being syncytia and not coenocytes.
- It's difficult to find multinucleated in a sentence.
- Occasional osteoclast-like giant multinucleated cells are encountered particularly at the periphery.
- Most acantharean species of protozoa and some fungi in mycorrhizae have naturally multinucleated cells.
- Osteoclasts are large, multinucleated bone cells that conduct the process of bone resorption.
- Much of the body is composed of syncitial tissue, extensive regions of multinucleate cytoplasm.
- These grow into multinucleated masses-megaloschizonts.
- Additionally, unicellular organisms can be multinucleate, like Myxogastria and " Plasmodium ".
- It also causes infected cells to fuse with neighbouring cells to form large, multinucleated syncytia.
- The trophic cell is generally multinucleate.
- Oospores are double walled and uninucleate during dormancy, but become multinucleate in preparation for germination.
- In contrast, the chlamydospores have only one resistant wall and are multinucleate at all stages.