mouthbrood in a sentence
- Even with oocyte arrest, females that mouthbrood take significant costs in body weight, energy, and low fitness.
- Compared to non-mouthbrooders, it is not energetically feasible to both mouthbrood and grow a new clutch of eggs.
- ""'Tropheus " "'is a small genus of six species of cichlids mouthbrood their eggs and fry, and this characteristic provides their Latin name . " Tropheus " comes from the Greek " trophos ", which means " to nurture ".
- In the cichlid species " Tropheus moorii ", a male and female will form a temporary monogamous pair bond and spawn, after which the female leaves to mouthbrood the eggs on her own . " T . moorii " broods exhibit genetic monogamy ( all eggs in a brood are fertilized by a single male ).
- It's difficult to find mouthbrood in a sentence.