metasediments in a sentence

"metasediments" in Chinese  
  1. Phyllite is commonly found in the Dalradian metasediments of northwest Arran.
  2. The series comprises a complex series of metasediments and basic igneous rocks.
  3. Metasediments in the west grade into undifferentiated gneiss in the east ".
  4. The central part of the island contains metasediments from African and Indian continental shelves.
  5. This granite was intruded into the Late Proterozoic to Cambrian metasediments of the Dalradian Supergroup.
  6. It's difficult to find metasediments in a sentence.
  7. Most Yellowknife Supergroup metasediments are tightly folded ( isoclinal ) or occur in plunging anticlines.
  8. Although the composition of these metasediments varies widely, three major rock types are generally recognized.
  9. The Coeur d'Alene ( Silver Valley ) Mining District is located in Proterozoic metasediments.
  10. A group of Cambrian metasediments containing the Church Point formation and the intercalated High Head Formation.
  11. The Barren Ranges consist of metasediments, mostly uplifted by movements of the Earth's crust.
  12. On its north-western slopes is the famous Hutton's Unconformity in the Dalradian metasediments.
  13. Tectonostratigraphically, gneisses ( high-grade metamorphic rocks ) and granites are found under these metasediments.
  14. Phanerozoic unconformity-related deposits occur in Proterozoic metasediments below an unconformity at the base of overlying Phanerozoic sandstone.
  15. In the north and northeast it comes into contact with weakly country rocks, mainly Paleozoic and Jurassic metavolcanics and metasediments.
  16. The belt comprises tightly folded Proterozoic metasediments that rest over basement gneisses and is a part of the North Delhi fold belt.
  17. More:   1  2  3


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