memory address register in a sentence

"memory address register" meaning  "memory address register" in Chinese  
  1. There may also be a memory address register and a memory data register, used to access the main computer storage.
  2. The remaining control signals are self-explanatory and can be understood easily as in "'Example 1 "'where MDR is the bidirectional Memory data register and MAR is the unidirectional Memory Address Register.
  3. For example, the 14-bit address, which could access " 16 K ?8 bits of memory ", needed to be latched by some of this logic into an external Memory Address Register ( MAR ).
  4. A Memory Address Register Storage ( MARS ) Core memory read, clear, or write operation took 2 ?s and each write operation was automatically ( but not necessarily immediately ) preceded by a read or clear operation of the same " register ( s ) " during the 20 ?s memory cycle.
  5. A Memory Address Register Storage ( MARS ) core memory read, clear, or write operation took 1.5 祍 and each write operation was automatically ( but not necessarily immediately ) preceded by a read or clear operation of the same " register ( s ) " during the 10 祍 memory cycle.
  6. It's difficult to find memory address register in a sentence.
  7. These registers include the " IR " ( instruction register ), " IBR " ( instruction buffer register ), " MQ " ( multiplier quotient register ), " MAR " ( memory address register ), and " MDR " ( memory data register ) . " The architecture also uses a program counter ( " PC " ) to keep track of where in the program the machine is.


  1. memory accesses in a sentence
  2. memory action in a sentence
  3. memory activity in a sentence
  4. memory address in a sentence
  5. memory address extension in a sentence
  6. memory address register storage in a sentence
  7. memory address selector in a sentence
  8. memory address space in a sentence
  9. memory address translation in a sentence
  10. memory addressing in a sentence
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