memorially in a sentence
- In " Shakespeare : An Anthology of Criticism and Theory, 1945-2000 ", Paul Werstine asserts that the theory has " yet to be empirically validated with reference to any extant Shakespeare quarto " and " there is no documentary evidence that any actor ever memorially reconstructed a play ."
- In 1943, G . I . Duthie refined Houk's suggestion by arguing " A Shrew " was a memorial reconstruction of " Ur-Shrew ", a now lost early draft of " The Shrew "; " " A Shrew " is substantially a memorially constructed text and is dependent upon an early " Shrew " play, now lost . " The Shrew " is a reworking of this lost play . " Hickson, who believed Marlowe to have written " A Shrew ", had hinted at this theory in 1850; " though I do not believe Shakspeare's play to contain a line of any other writer, I think it extremely probable that we have it only in a revised form, and that, consequently, the play which Marlowe imitated might not necessarily have been that fund of life and humour that we find it now . " Hickson is here arguing that Marlowe's " A Shrew " is not based upon the version of " The Shrew " found in the " First Folio ", but on another version of the play.
- It's difficult to find memorially in a sentence.