matrixial in a sentence
- The matrixial gaze uses the matrix to counter Lacan's phallic gaze.
- A new version of the gaze was offered in the early 1990s by Bracha Ettinger, who proposed the notion of the " matrixial gaze ".
- Bracha L . Ettinger transformed subjectivity in contemporary psychoanalysis since the early 1990s with the Matrixial feminine-maternal and prematernal Eros and it is a source for trans-subjectivity and transjectivity in both males and females.
- The idea of a corpo-Real is a part of her symbolization of a new feminine psychic zone ( the matrixial, the womb as time space of psychic encounter-event ), in both male and female subjects, and of the feminine-matrixial sexual difference.
- The idea of a corpo-Real is a part of her symbolization of a new feminine psychic zone ( the matrixial, the womb as time space of psychic encounter-event ), in both male and female subjects, and of the feminine-matrixial sexual difference.
- It's difficult to find matrixial in a sentence.
- The influence of the matrixial theory of Bracha Ettinger articulated in a series of books and essays from the end of the 1980s onwards was brought to the public's attention through the writings of art historians such as Griselda Pollock and film theorists such as Heinz-Peter Schwerfel.
- Ettinger is now considered to be a prominent figure among both the French painters'and the Feminist theory and psychoanalysis " ) achieved recognition after the publication of " Matrix and Metramorphosis " ( 1992 ), fragments from her notebooks ( Moma, Oxford, 1993 ) and " The Matrixial Gaze " ( 1995 ).
- Bracha Ettinger conceived of a feminine-maternal dimension she has named the matrixial, and she works toward changing the definition of the human subject to include it, as well as on the " matrixial " space, object and gaze ( in art ) and on the importance of the matrixial feminine dimension for the fields of psychoanalysis and ethics.
- Bracha Ettinger conceived of a feminine-maternal dimension she has named the matrixial, and she works toward changing the definition of the human subject to include it, as well as on the " matrixial " space, object and gaze ( in art ) and on the importance of the matrixial feminine dimension for the fields of psychoanalysis and ethics.
- Bracha Ettinger conceived of a feminine-maternal dimension she has named the matrixial, and she works toward changing the definition of the human subject to include it, as well as on the " matrixial " space, object and gaze ( in art ) and on the importance of the matrixial feminine dimension for the fields of psychoanalysis and ethics.
- Bracha Ettinger's matrixial theory is referred to explicitly quite late in the film through the expression " primal matrix " but it is visualized from the beginning via the alliance between Neo, Trinity and Morpheus, their " co-birthing " in a womb-like " shareable time-space ", their co-existence in different dimension at the same time, their relation to the maternal oracle and more.
- Each field came to regard " gender " as a practice, sometimes referred to as something that is performative . ( the " semiotic " and " abjection " ) and Bracha L . Ettinger ( the feminine-prematernal-maternal matrixial Eros of borderlinking and com-passion, " matrixial trans-subjectivity " and the " primal mother-phantasies " ), and informed both by Freud, Lacan and the object relations theory, is very influential in gender studies.
- Each field came to regard " gender " as a practice, sometimes referred to as something that is performative . ( the " semiotic " and " abjection " ) and Bracha L . Ettinger ( the feminine-prematernal-maternal matrixial Eros of borderlinking and com-passion, " matrixial trans-subjectivity " and the " primal mother-phantasies " ), and informed both by Freud, Lacan and the object relations theory, is very influential in gender studies.
- Ettinger's book is considered the initiator of the Matrixial Trans-subjectivity theory, or simply " The Matrixial . " The book influenced discussions of subjectivity as encounter, the matrixial gaze, matrixial time, matrixial space, co-poiesis, borderlinking, borderspacing, co-emergence in differentiating and differentiating, transconnectivity, matrixial com-passion, primary compassion, compassionate hospitality, wit ( h ) nessing, co-fading, severality, matrixial transformational potentiality, archaic m / Other, fascinance, encounter-event, besideness, primal Mother-phantasies of Not-enoughness, devouring and abandonment, empathy within compassion, empathy without compassion, seduction into life, and metramorphosis.
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