mathematical geography in a sentence
- She is also the founder and director of the Institute of Mathematical Geography.
- In mathematical geography, geodesic equation in order to accurately compute the Earth's circumference.
- In the introduction the author gives a historical survey of the development of astronomy and mathematical geography among the nations.
- Inghirami's first publications were articles on hydraulics, statics, and astronomy, astronomical tables, and elementary text-books on mathematics and mathematical geography.
- He wrote textbooks himself in projective drawing ( 1946 ), mathematical geography ( 1954 ) and astronomy ( 1963 ), and translated other textbooks into Nynorsk.
- It's difficult to find mathematical geography in a sentence.
- All these rest upon the facts of mathematical geography, and the three are so closely inter-related that they cannot be rigidly separated in any discussion ".
- 95 of 146 books known to have been written by B + rkn + , were devoted to astronomy, mathematics, and related subjects like mathematical geography.
- Ninety-five of 146 books known to have been written by B + rkn + were devoted to astronomy, mathematics, and related subjects like mathematical geography.
- Mathematical geography was an important topical subject in which Allen was reputed, pursued by several groups in England, including another around Henry Briggs : Allen may have taught the geographer Richard Hakluyt.
- Petermann started in y . lpotsdam at 7 August 1839 . The education with Berghaus could be called scientifically cartographic, comprising mathematical geography ( map projection and Perthes institute, where he worked from 1854 onwards, used copperplate engravings as the basis for its maps.
- "' Pavle Vujevi "'( Serbian Cyrillic : 02; 5 CX528 [ , 10 August 1881 17 November 1966 ) was a Serbian geographer and meteorologist, professor of climatology, meteorology, and mathematical geography at the University of Belgrade.
- Dzerzhinsky received a school diploma which stated : " Dzerzhinsky Feliks, who is 18 years of age, of Catholic faith, along with a satisfactory attention and satisfactory diligence showed the following successes in sciences, namely : Divine law " good "; Logic, Latin, Algebra, Geometry, Mathematical geography, Physics, History ( of Russia ), French " satisfactory "; Russian and Greek " unsatisfactory ".
- Gans was also the author of : " Gebulat ha-Eretz ", a work on cosmography, which is in all probability identical with the " Zurat ha-Eretz ", published at Constantinople under the name of " David Avazi " ( " Avaz " means " goose " in Hebrew, a reference to the surname " Gans ", which means " goose " in German ); " Magen David ", an astronomical treatise, a part of which is included in the " Nechmad ve'naim " mentioned below; the mathematical works " Ma'or ha-2atan ", " Migdal David ", and " Prozdor ", which are no longer in existence; " Nechmad ve'naim " dealing with astronomy and mathematical geography, published with additions by Joel ben Jekuthiel of Glogau at Jessnitz, 1743.