mathematical geography in a sentence

"mathematical geography" in Chinese  
  1. She is also the founder and director of the Institute of Mathematical Geography.
  2. In mathematical geography, geodesic equation in order to accurately compute the Earth's circumference.
  3. In the introduction the author gives a historical survey of the development of astronomy and mathematical geography among the nations.
  4. Inghirami's first publications were articles on hydraulics, statics, and astronomy, astronomical tables, and elementary text-books on mathematics and mathematical geography.
  5. He wrote textbooks himself in projective drawing ( 1946 ), mathematical geography ( 1954 ) and astronomy ( 1963 ), and translated other textbooks into Nynorsk.
  6. It's difficult to find mathematical geography in a sentence.
  7. All these rest upon the facts of mathematical geography, and the three are so closely inter-related that they cannot be rigidly separated in any discussion ".
  8. 95 of 146 books known to have been written by B + rkn + , were devoted to astronomy, mathematics, and related subjects like mathematical geography.
  9. Ninety-five of 146 books known to have been written by B + rkn +  were devoted to astronomy, mathematics, and related subjects like mathematical geography.
  10. Mathematical geography was an important topical subject in which Allen was reputed, pursued by several groups in England, including another around Henry Briggs : Allen may have taught the geographer Richard Hakluyt.
  11. Petermann started in y . lpotsdam at 7 August 1839 . The education with Berghaus could be called scientifically cartographic, comprising mathematical geography ( map projection and Perthes institute, where he worked from 1854 onwards, used copperplate engravings as the basis for its maps.
  12. "' Pavle Vujevi "'( Serbian Cyrillic : 02; 5 CX528 [ , 10 August 1881  17 November 1966 ) was a Serbian geographer and meteorologist, professor of climatology, meteorology, and mathematical geography at the University of Belgrade.
  13. Dzerzhinsky received a school diploma which stated : " Dzerzhinsky Feliks, who is 18 years of age, of Catholic faith, along with a satisfactory attention and satisfactory diligence showed the following successes in sciences, namely : Divine law " good "; Logic, Latin, Algebra, Geometry, Mathematical geography, Physics, History ( of Russia ), French " satisfactory "; Russian and Greek " unsatisfactory ".
  14. Gans was also the author of : " Gebulat ha-Eretz ", a work on cosmography, which is in all probability identical with the " Zurat ha-Eretz ", published at Constantinople under the name of " David Avazi " ( " Avaz " means " goose " in Hebrew, a reference to the surname " Gans ", which means " goose " in German ); " Magen David ", an astronomical treatise, a part of which is included in the " Nechmad ve'naim " mentioned below; the mathematical works " Ma'or ha-2atan ", " Migdal David ", and " Prozdor ", which are no longer in existence; " Nechmad ve'naim " dealing with astronomy and mathematical geography, published with additions by Joel ben Jekuthiel of Glogau at Jessnitz, 1743.


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