mathematical feature in a sentence
- This particular user created a mathematical featured picture that resembles like a religious icon.
- This is " false " in general for PIDs, thus providing one of the rare mathematical features of Euclidean domains that do not generalize to all PIDs.
- In his article'What's Wrong with Risk Matrices ?', Tony Cox argues that risk matrices experience several problematic mathematical features making it harder to assess risks.
- Penrose was interested in the mathematical features of the microtubule lattice, and over the next two years the two collaborated in formulating the orchestrated objective reduction ( Orch-OR ) model of consciousness.
- In physics, a "'symmetry "'of a physical system is a physical or mathematical feature of the system ( observed or intrinsic ) that is preserved or remains unchanged under some transformation.
- It's difficult to find mathematical feature in a sentence.
- 3-Way is designed to be very efficient in a wide range of platforms from 8-bit processors to specialized hardware, and has some elegant mathematical features which enable nearly all the decryption to be done in exactly the same circuits as did the encryption.
- The original viral dynamics models were inspired by compartmental epidemic models ( e . g . the SI model ), with which they continue to share many common mathematical features, such as the concept of the basic reproductive ratio ( " R " 0 ).
- A rearrangement of the content as suggested by the second reviewer above would keep it all in context, but move the mathematical features etc . to later on in the article : people can just stop reading when they've had enough .-Splash 21 : 23, 23 August 2005 ( UTC)