macelwane in a sentence
- She received the James B . Macelwane Medal from the American Geophysical Union in 2013.
- The geological division of the SLU Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences is housed in Macelwane Hall.
- He was awarded the 2006 American Geophysical Union ( AGU ) Macelwane medal and granted the status of AGU Fellow.
- She has won many prestigious awards in the field, including the James B . Macelwane Medal of the American Geophysical Union.
- J . B . Macelwane, S . J ., wrote the first seismology textbook in America, " Introduction to Theoretical Seismology ".
- It's difficult to find macelwane in a sentence.
- He was a Gutenberg Fellow at Caltech and a Gilbert Fellow of the USGS . Vidale is a Fellow of AGU and received AGU's Macelwane Medal.
- In 1990 Druffel received the James B . Macelwane Medal from the American Geophysical Union and in 2001 she was elected a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
- Macelwane is the namesake of the James B . Macelwane Medal awarded annually by the American Geophysical Union ( AGU ) and the Macelwane Fellowship awarded by the American Meteorological Society ( AMS ).
- Macelwane is the namesake of the James B . Macelwane Medal awarded annually by the American Geophysical Union ( AGU ) and the Macelwane Fellowship awarded by the American Meteorological Society ( AMS ).
- Macelwane is the namesake of the James B . Macelwane Medal awarded annually by the American Geophysical Union ( AGU ) and the Macelwane Fellowship awarded by the American Meteorological Society ( AMS ).
- Vrugt is the first scientist to receive all three honors : the Donath Medal ( GSA ), James B, Macelwane Medal ( AGU ) and the Outstanding Young Scientist Award ( EGU ).
- In 2010, he received the James B . Macelwane Medal of the American Geophysical Union ( AGU ) for outstanding contributions in surface hydrology, soil physics, and hydrometeorology, and was simultaneously elected AGU Fellow.
- He is a recipient of the James B . Macelwane Medal from the American Geophysical Union ( AGU ) and a fellow of the Union, a designation conferred upon not more than 0.1 % of all AGU members in any given year.
- "' Mount Macelwane "'( ) is the highest S . J ., first chairman of the Technical Panel for Seismology and Gravity of the U . S . National Committee for the International Geophysical Year, as set up by the National Academy of Sciences.