loderunner in a sentence
- The game included a video introduction by the game's creator Doug Smith explaining how Loderunner came about.
- :The only one I can think of that hasn't been mentioned is Loderunner .-- Talk 15 : 04, 30 April 2012 ( UTC)
- In traversing the various environments, Lara Croft actually behaves much like the Loderunner, collecting all sorts of goodies including trinkets, weapons and ammunition while running, climbing and jumping from one platform to another.
- Not to mention that in the computer gaming world, there have been some games that were so memorable that they would be easily considered as all-time favourites by many in spite of their primitive graphics in comparison even with the TV games of those days such as Loderunner and Dig-dug.
- *# 8 1985-11-"'Features "': Winter Games, [ Atari Collection ( Deadline, Eastern Front, Rally Speedway, Dropzone, Star Raiders, M . U . L . E ., Archon, Blue Max, Ultima III, Boulderdash, Universe, Miner 2049er, Pinball, Ballblazer, Loderunner ), Night of the Living Dead, The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13? Geoff Capes, Strongman; "'Reviews "': Super Zaxxon, Cyrus Chess II, Doppleganger, The Castle of Doctor Creep, Astroclone, Axis Assassin, Schizophrenia, Karateka, Stealth, Starion, Daley Thompson's Supertest, Match Day, Paradroid, Fairlight, Spy Hunter, Topper the Copper, Blackwyche, Wizardry, Fighting Warrior, Trivia UK, World Cup Football, Decision in teh Desert, Crusade in Europe, Spot the Ball, Sorcery +, Devil's Crown, Orm and Cheep : The Birthday, Donald Duck's Playground, ACE; "'Adventure Reviews "': Dunzhin, Kaiv, Terrormolinos, The Wizard and the Princess, Bored of the Rings
- It's difficult to find loderunner in a sentence.