liturgiques in a sentence
- Les loisirs 閠aient peu nombreux, sinon les c閘閎rations entourant certaines f阾es liturgiques ou certaines occasions, comme les noces et les enterrements.
- In the Roman Catholic Church since Vatican II, the last three verses of the psalm were removed from liturgiques books because of their perceived cruelty being incompatible with the Gospel message.
- The foundation is perhaps best known in the English-speaking world under its French name, " Mont C閟ar Abbey ", for its connection both with Blessed Columba and with the reformer and ecumenist Dom Lambert Beauduin, who while a member of this community launched his liturgical movement from here in 1909, and began publication of the associated periodical " Les Questions Liturgiques et Paroissiales " in the following year.
- A plain-song setting of the " Prayer ", or series of prayers, is given in the Solesmes " Manual of Gregorian Chant " ( Rome-Tournai, 1903, 313-5 ) in plain-song notation, and in a slightly simpler form in modern notation in the " Roman Hymnal " ( New York, 1884, pp . 140 3 ), as also in " Les principaux chants liturgiques " ( Paris, 1875, pp . 111 2 ) and " Recueil d'anciens et de nouveaux cantiques not閟 " ( Paris, 1886, pp . 218 9 ).
- It's difficult to find liturgiques in a sentence.