liturgiques in a sentence

"liturgiques" in Chinese  
  1. Les loisirs 閠aient peu nombreux, sinon les c閘閎rations entourant certaines f阾es liturgiques ou certaines occasions, comme les noces et les enterrements.
  2. In the Roman Catholic Church since Vatican II, the last three verses of the psalm were removed from liturgiques books because of their perceived cruelty being incompatible with the Gospel message.
  3. The foundation is perhaps best known in the English-speaking world under its French name, " Mont C閟ar Abbey ", for its connection both with Blessed Columba and with the reformer and ecumenist Dom Lambert Beauduin, who while a member of this community launched his liturgical movement from here in 1909, and began publication of the associated periodical " Les Questions Liturgiques et Paroissiales " in the following year.
  4. A plain-song setting of the " Prayer ", or series of prayers, is given in the Solesmes " Manual of Gregorian Chant " ( Rome-Tournai, 1903, 313-5 ) in plain-song notation, and in a slightly simpler form in modern notation in the " Roman Hymnal " ( New York, 1884, pp . 140 3 ), as also in " Les principaux chants liturgiques " ( Paris, 1875, pp . 111 2 ) and " Recueil d'anciens et de nouveaux cantiques not閟 " ( Paris, 1886, pp . 218 9 ).
  5. It's difficult to find liturgiques in a sentence.


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  5. liturgique in a sentence
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  8. liturgize in a sentence
  9. liturgy in a sentence
  10. liturgy of addai and mari in a sentence
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