jacketing in a sentence
- He was also subjected to COINTELPRO's bad-jacketing technique.
- Intrusive and unrealistic conditions on aid are still straight-jacketing developing countries.
- If adhesion is not desired / necessary, jacketing tooling is used instead.
- The original jacketing was found to be detrimental to firearm performance over time.
- The jacketing almost certainly contains asbestos, and to remove that will be expensive.
- It's difficult to find jacketing in a sentence.
- The Lubaloy-Palma ammunition jacketing was a breakthrough solution to this persistent dilemma.
- Lubaloy replaced standard bullet jacketing which had been cupro-nickel coated steel or solid cupro-nickel.
- In jacketing tooling, the polymer melt does not touch the inner wire until immediately before the die lips.
- By January, the locomotive's jacketing had been installed and painted, and its headlight was restored.
- This type of die is typically used to coat very thin wires with polymer jacketing that is highly viscous.
- To save such horizontal space the engines were long in stroke and had no water-jacketing between cylinder bores.
- In 1922, the Western Cartridge Company introduced a copper-washed bullet jacketing called Lubaloy which stands for lubricating alloy.
- This type of die results in more intimate contact between the outer coating and the bare wire than the jacketing die.
- There are two different types of die tooling used for coating over a wire, tubing ( or jacketing ) and pressure.
- Models are built to include many features such as vacuum and jacketing to remove air and to control the temperature of the mixture.