hythe beds in a sentence
- At The Roughs in Kent, where a rotational slump occurred, slips in the Atherfield Clay have undermined sandstone blocks of Hythe Beds.
- It contains the following divisions in ascending order-the Atherfield Clay, Hythe Beds ( sandy limestone, sandstone and chert ), Sandgate Beds and Folkestone Beds.
- A common geomorphological feature at the base of the Lower Greensand is an escarpment, where the Hythe Beds overlie the Atherfield and Weald Clays, which is particularly susceptible to landslide.
- Greensand comes in four layers : the Folkestone Beds 60 250 ft thick; The Sandgate Beds 5 120 ft thick; the Hythe beds 60 350 ft thick and Atherfield Clays 15 50 ft thick.
- The very resistant rocks of the Lower Greensand, in particular the Hythe Beds, have produced prominent escarpments that form an arc around the northern edge of the Low Weald, running parallel to and just south of the chalk escarpment of the North Downs.
- It's difficult to find hythe beds in a sentence.
- The Lower Greensand is composed of alternating mudstones ( sandy, with clay particles such as smectite ) and sandstones, up to a maximum thickness of about, and is composed of a number of distinct formations, namely the Folkestone Beds, Sandgate Beds, Bargate Beds, Hythe Beds and Atherfield Clay.
- The Greensand Ridge, capped by the resistant sands and sandstones of the Hythe Beds, reinforced by bands of chert, rises steeply as a series of high, wooded escarpments between Gibbet Hill, Hindhead ( ), north of Haslemere, and the ridge's highest point, Leith Hill ( ).
- In the area around Haslemere local anticlinal features are superimposed on the main axis of the Wealden anticline, causing the outcrop of resistant Hythe Beds to widen from to more than and to produce an escarpment that is particularly marked between Haslemere and Midhurst, where Blackdown rises to, the highest point in Sussex.