government in el salvador in a sentence

  1. Rebels and the government in El Salvador ended that nation's civil war in 1992.
  2. While in Central America, he met members of COMADRES, a similar organization whose children had been disappeared by the government in El Salvador.
  3. The murders occurred at the height of a 12-year civil war that pitted leftist guerrillas against military-backed rightwing governments in El Salvador.
  4. The American government was supporting the government in El Salvador and although she had the personal support of dozens of senators she found herself accused of being a terrorist.
  5. Although our nation pumped $ 6 billion into defending the government in El Salvador's civil war _ the enemy was " Marxism " _ we have been less than enthusiastic about cleaning up the mess we helped make.
  6. It's difficult to find government in el salvador in a sentence.
  7. He escaped from a Venezuelan prison in 1985 and later turned up in Central America, where he reportedly served as military adviser to the U . S .-backed Contras in Nicaragua and to the right-wing government in El Salvador.
  8. Latimes states, the fact that the film doesn't deal with the role of the American government in El Salvador's plight, beyond a plea from Romero for us to stop sending arms that will be only used against his country's people
  9. The Reagan administration also supplied funds and weapons to heavily militarily-influenced governments in El Salvador beginning in 1980 and Honduras, and to a lesser extent in Guatemala, which was ruled by right-wing military autocrat General Efra韓 R韔s Montt from 1982-83.
  10. Another story : Were it not for Moakley's relentless pressure, the government in El Salvador would not have been exposed as being behind the horrific multiple murders of Jesuit priests late in the civil war; Moakley was instrumental in the response that ended US military aid to these thugs and led to a negotiated peace.
  11. After fighting for years to overthrow U . S .-backed governments in El Salvador, conspiring with the guerrillas who carried out the 1985 assault on a group of U . S . marines, and then switching sides after his capture in 1990 to become an asset paid by the U . S . CIA, Andrade is now effectively a man without a country.


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