geometrodynamics in a sentence

"geometrodynamics" in Chinese  
  1. The term geometrodynamics is as a synonym for general relativity.
  2. We will show following the reference " Geometrodynamics vs . Connection Dynamics " that
  3. Wheeler has written book in'geometrodynamics'some decades ago, though the writer is a frontier in this area.
  4. In theoretical physics, "'geometrodynamics "'is an attempt to describe spacetime and associated phenomena completely in terms of geometry.
  5. The page now offers a useful synopsis of topological geometrodynamics and some views of Pitk & auml; nen that is clearer and more instructive than his other papers.
  6. It's difficult to find geometrodynamics in a sentence.
  7. More properly, some authors use the phrase " Einstein's geometrodynamics " to denote the initial value formulation of general relativity, introduced by Arnowitt, Deser, and Misner ( ADM formalism ) around 1960.
  8. Also in 1960, at Stanford University for the " International Congress for Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science ", John Archibald Wheeler introduced his geometrodynamics formulation of general relativity by crediting Clifford as the initiator.
  9. More recently, Christopher Isham, Jeremy Butterfield, and their students have continued to develop " quantum geometrodynamics " to take account of recent work toward a quantum theory of gravity and further developments in the very extensive mathematical theory of initial value formulations of general relativity.
  10. Since LQG is based on a specific quantum theory of Riemannian geometry, geometric observables display a fundamental discreteness that play a key role in quantum dynamics : While predictions of LQC are very close to those of quantum geometrodynamics ( QGD ) away from the Planck regime, there is a dramatic difference once densities and curvatures enter the Planck scale.
  11. My view is that the true Theory of Everything-- it is not a single theory that will satisfy everybody, but an ensemble of mutually compatible theories of different authors . ( The authors are free to use their own theoretica base, the base of notions, the system of proofs, etc ., but their theories must meet some general requirements . ) One of such ( conventionally ) compatible theory is the Matti's Topological Geometrodynamics.
  12. Quantum gravoelectrodynamics is the field of scientific study concerning the properties of electrodynamics and general relativity viewed through the tools of differential geometry . ?The origins of quantum gravoelectrodynamics can be found in the research of Friedrich Gauss [ 1 ] [ 2 ] and Bernhard Riemann [ 2 ] . ?Their vision was a search to find a theory based on analysis and calculations that explained nature . ?In their work they found many mathematical tools which can be used to understand electrostatics, geometry and spacetime . ?A more modern conceptualization can be found in John Wheeler s " Geometrodynamics . " ?The central idea here is that gravitation and electromagnetism can be described in terms of geometry itself [ 3 ] . ?Quantum gravoelectrodynamics starting point is the Minkowskian idea of spacetime [ 4 ] . ?For general relativity analysis occurs in spacetime and one takes derivatives to derive the matelectric field, the matmagnetic field, mass, velocity, matter waves, matter radiation and the other element of classical analysis . ?The manifold here is the traditional spacetime with units of distance . ?For electrodynamics analysis occurs in pospotential spacetime in which one takes derivatives to derive traditional concepts like the electric field, the magnetic field, charge waves ( fka electromagnetic waves ), charge radiation ( fka electromagnetic radiation ), current and charge . ?The manifold here has units of distance times the square root of Newtons divided by Amperes . ?Tools from differential geometry like the shape operator, the first fundamental form, the second fundamental form and the third fundamental form are used to find normal curvature, principal curvature, Gaussian curvature and mean curvatures.


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