fixative in a sentence
- But the image is not set until the fixative is applied.
- Fixative is used to prevent pencil and crayon marks from smudging.
- Second, a fixative typically protects a sample from extrinsic damage.
- By far the most commonly used fixative in histology is formaldehyde.
- The brush is removed and placed directly in the fixative solution.
- It's difficult to find fixative in a sentence.
- Each chamber was fixed with a 20-ml injection of fixative.
- Zenker fixative is preferred, although formalin fixed tissue can be used.
- Modern fixatives are usually alcohol based, and hydrocarbon propelled.
- You can brush your eyebrows with a fixative so they look nicely arched.
- The fixative was a three-percent glutaraldehyde ( balance water ) solution.
- Due to its excellent fixative properties, vetiver is used widely in perfumes.
- Modern embalming is not done with a single fixative.
- It is used as a fixative in perfumes and has an intense fragrance.
- Also the formaldehyde vapor can be used as a fixative for cell smears.
- The most common precipitating fixatives are ethanol and methanol.