finite memory in a sentence
- In principle, the Life field is infinite, but computers have finite memory.
- In each of these subjective experiences, you have a finite memory of past events.
- :: : Getting back to the Ruby program, the halting problem is theoretically decidable for deterministic computers with finite memory.
- Since this is almost always the case, most ( if not all ) imperative languages are Turing complete if the limitations of finite memory are ignored.
- Intuitively, it cannot be recognized with a finite automaton, since a finite automaton has finite memory and it cannot remember the exact number of a's.
- It's difficult to find finite memory in a sentence.
- Round-off errors arise because it is impossible to represent all real numbers exactly on a machine with finite memory ( which is what all practical digital computers are ).
- A programming language that is Turing complete is theoretically capable of expressing all tasks accomplishable by computers; nearly all programming languages are Turing complete if the limitations of finite memory are ignored.
- It can also be decided automatically whether a nondeterministic machine with finite memory halts on none, some, or all of the possible sequences of nondeterministic decisions, by enumerating states after each possible decision.
- Except for the limitations imposed by their finite memory stores, modern computers are said to be Turing-complete, which is to say, they have algorithm execution capability equivalent to a universal Turing machine.
- This means that "'any "'program running in a machine with finite memory will either halt or return to a previous state within 2 number-of-bits-in-memory cycles.
- It might take a very long time to terminate or start repeating, but these are the only possibilities if the algorithm is running on a computer with finite memory . Keenan Pepper 14 : 24, 18 September 2007 ( UTC)
- The negative effect of the approximation is that the phase character of the solution is lost as the system frequency approaches DC . However, all digital systems are guaranteed to suffer this flaw, as all digital systems have finite memory, and therefore will fail as the memory requirement approaches infinity.
- In general, NPML refers to a family of sequence-estimation data detectors, which arise by imbedding a noise prediction / whitening process into the branch metric computation of the Viterbi algorithm, which is a well known data detection technique for communication channels that exhibit intersymbol interference ( ISI ) with finite memory.